About Us
We began meeting together as a church family in a barn located in Mt. Juliet, TN. In the barn, there was a paneled area with hardwood floors that made worship intimate and wonderful. We had a fully equipped kitchen and two other finished and carpeted rooms allowed for select meetings and functions. Three large pews were donated and we cut them in half to make six shorter pews. A seventh bench was given to us and it has a great history attached to it. It has served other churches in its' almost one-hundred year history. Other items donated to the church include a digital keyboard, a communion set, Bibles, wall pictures, and numerous reference books.
As our church family grew, we were able to move into a building across the road from the barn in 2020. With a little renovation, this new space has been transformed into a beautiful church building with a barn theme. We now have ample room to grow and to minister to our community.
We have developed and adopted a constitution and by-laws to govern how we function as as a church. The government of this church is vested in its members, who exercise the right of control in all its affairs subject to the laws of the State of Tennessee relating to churches. These documents provide the guidance and the assurance we need to maintain sound doctrine and unity of purpose so that we can be spiritually focused on doing what God wants us to do. We are officially organized pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a non-profit corporation dedicated to religious and charitable purposes.
It is the desire of our church family that we preserve and maintain traditional worship as we pursue a loving relationship with the one true God and with each other. We would love for you to visit with us and to experience what we do each Sunday. We believe that God has a wonderful plan for your life and that He wants to show you what He can do in you and through your life at The Barn Church.